The best feature of radiant heating is its flexibility to heat an entire home or just one or two rooms, such as a kitchen and a dining room. To improve a home’s comfort in some of the spaces we spend the most time, let’s explore optimal radiant solutions.
The best feature of radiant heating is its flexibility to heat an entire home or just one or two rooms, such as a kitchen and a dining room. To improve a home’s comfort in some of the spaces we spend the most time, let’s explore optimal radiant solutions.
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Technology Used
This solution is ideal for homes with unfinished basements, because the aluminum panels can be secured under the subfloor between the joists. These panels drive the heat
energy to the desired area and are easy to access without impacting the floor height. (Note that this solution is not ideal if there’s no easy access to the subfloor.)

With state-of-the-art wireless technology, you have the freedom to place thermostats anywhere in the home. And with the system’s unique autobalancing feature, you can enjoy faster system reaction times for more immediate comfort along with greater energy savings. This is because Smatrix Pulse is constantly learning and gathering data from inside and outside your home to provide optimal comfort and energy efficiency.

Aluminum is an excellent conductor of heat, so using Joist Trak™ aluminum heat-transfer plates is an effective way to install a high-performing radiant floor heating system when installation on the surface of the floor is not an option. The plates fasten to the underside of the subfloor between the joists and feature a channel down the middle where the piping locks into place. Note that after installation, it is important to add a minimum R-11 fiberglass insulation into the joist bay snug against the plates to prevent downward heat loss.

The maximum distance through typical building construction materials is 98 ft. (30 m) from the Controller. And with the system’s unique autobalancing feature, customers can enjoy faster system reaction times for more immediate comfort along with greater energy savings. This is because Smatrix Pulse is constantly learning and gathering data from inside and outside the home to provide optimal comfort and energy efficiency.